Need Pro Video at a Distance?

Our Remote Professionals Are Available Online

Need Pro Video at a Distance?

Our Remote Professionals Are Available Online

Need Pro Video at a Distance?

Our Remote Professionals Are Available Online


Before you hit record, let us improve your picture and sound quality through teledirection. Our webinar experts take the pain out of doing everything by yourself.



Being on camera, plus running all the technical aspects of a great webinar, is daunting. You should stay focused on your presentation, your Zoom guests, and your Zoom audience. We can help. Our team records multiple layouts, operates screen sharing, guest waiting areas, polling, whiteboarding, question cues, breakout rooms, and live chats for you. We can even help you with a second or third remote camera. By collaborating with our team of teledirectors and webinar assistants, you end up with smooth and polished Zoom and selfie recordings.

Webinar Editing

Talking heads are boring. Let us transform your recorded lectures and presentations into compelling videos.


Webinar Editing

Education and training moved online exclusively in the spring of 2020. While everyone was figuring out how to add virtual backgrounds in Zoom and unmute microphones, audiences quickly grew tired of watching the same “Hollywood Squares” formula of unedited lecture capture for every class. Narrasys editors turn generic Zoom recordings, PowerPoint presentations, and user-generated iPhone content, into visually rich documentary instruction. Don’t let audiences zone out on unedited Zoom or PowerPoint recordings; include Narrasys editors in your content workflow.

Transcript Cleanup

Every auto-transcript needs manual revisions. Let us take care of the punctuation and spelling for you, while deleting all the “uhs” and “ums”.


Transcript Cleanup

For more than a decade, Narrasys wordsmiths have been cleaning up computer-generated transcripts. While auto-transcripts are great for first drafts, they inevitably misinterpret words said, mess up punctuation, and misidentify speakers. Narrasys works with a variety of transcription cleanup tools and workflows to ensure that what you said is how the transcript reads, exactly. Rough auto-transcripts are essential for Webinar Editing, but final videos need clean transcripts. Let us add the finishing touches.

Motion Graphics

Animated text and illustrations can make even the most difficult concepts easy to understand. We can bring your words to life.


Motion Graphics

Our television-literate culture automatically separates amateur recordings from professional programs; the most common visual cue audiences notice is the use of animation. Without that “wow”, audiences drop off fast and rarely come back. Quality motion graphics take ingenuity, the right digital tools, and technical chops. You also need a team of professionals that can turn one-offs into templates, in order to spread motion graphics across your entire program cost- effectively. Let us make your ideas memorable with movement.

Remote Interviews

Instead of sending out a film crew, why not let us produce your next guest speaker using online tools?


Remote Interviews

Staying at home did not stop interviews; they just went the way of Zoom. Whether you approve the questions and we conduct the interviews, or you interview guests and we run the technical end of things, we can help you get the most out of web-based conversations. For students who experienced last-minute online classes during the first coronavirus wave, most reported that guest speakers made their Zoom classes worth attending. We can help turn your recorded conversations with other experts into rich media content.

Stock Footage

Adding drone shots, news clips, or a photo montage to your recorded webinar turns concepts into visual images.


Stock Footage

It is far better to show it, than say it. People remember images more than words. Stock video, photos, and illustrations make the whole universe possible as visual material in your production. We source stock content from a variety of sources, including stock music, and add these ingredients where they help the most. Whether for emotional reasons to make a point, or to visually explain something that must be seen to be understood, we draw from libraries of high- quality imagery in our productions. Let us bring the outside world into your picture.

User Content

Selfie videos and iPhone photographs can enrich your webinar content. Let us add user generated content to your final production.


User Content

Smart phones democratized digital video and photography. Today, huge numbers of individuals are posting homemade content to social media, sometimes with huge followings. Integrating iPhone video from other contributors is a natural workaround to the limitations of sheltering in place. In some cases, learners create video reports as part of their course assignments. Blending user-generated content into final narratives is a great way to engage audiences and pushes everyone to create with excellence. We can enrich your program with a variety of styles and techniques that anyone with smart phone, tablet, or laptop can generate themselves.

On Location

When it is safe to bring our professional crews to your location, we specialize in high production value filmmaking in every genre.


On Location

Professional digital filmmaking with multiple cameras, lighting, sound and in-person direction makes a huge difference. With on-location productions numbering in the thousands, our experienced crews strive for visual and sonic perfection every time. The time will come again. Invite us to your next on-location filmic event.

COVID Crisis Content Creation

Online classes ZOOM in less than a week. Now what?

Monday March 2nd, 2020 the news from Seattle began to sink in – COVID-19 was already claiming American lives and was staged to sweep across the country. On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the new coronavirus global outbreak was officially a pandemic.

Colleges and universities responded immediately. Students were sent home to finish spring semester 2020 with whatever online tools were already available. With live lectures, labs and discussions suddenly canceled, most campuses turned to Zoom video conferencing and Voice Over PowerPoints.

Corporate conferences and in-person training similarly went virtual in the span of a few weeks. With all the uncertainties surrounding in-person gatherings, now is the time to re-imagine your media development through Remote Productions with Narrasys. Contact us today.

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