MOOCS: GW The Past, Present, and Future of the Federal Reserve
George Washington University offered its first MOOC, The Past, Present, and Future of the Federal Reserve, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Fed. It was an example of the power of documentary instruction and was filmed on location in the Fed headquarters in Washington, DC. The Fed asked all of its employees worldwide to participate in GWU’s first open course. The documentary instruction was delivered through the Narrative Platform embedded in the Open EdX MOOC platform.

Courseware: The Career Playbook Interactive
The Career Playbook Interactive is an online professional development resource for millennials and career changers designing fulfilling careers. Based on Jim Citrin’s acclaimed The Career Playbook, this customizable, interactive, video-based course runs within any university’s LMS and may be offered to students and alumni through the institution’s Career Services or Alumni Association. Individuals can subscribe to the self-paced training at The Career Playbook Interactive site.
Through Narrative Editor, The Career Playbook Interactive provides a customization tool set for course administrators or instructors to add real-time comments, links, videos, slides, digital documents, polling/formative assessments, and images. Narrative Editor gives customers real-time flexibility to add or delete new content and personalize The Career Playbook Interactive to your institution.